
Price: 6500 rubl.
Package: 25 kilos.
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Imperium is a decorative texture plaster. It is used to create such effects as “orange peel”, “world map”, and “fur coat”. Can be used with an aerograph. Complex textures can be achieved with the use of various types of rollers. Textured surface created with the decorative plaster allows you to conceal mural flaws, protects from environmental aggressive factors. This material is very durable, stable to atmospheric influence and sharp drops of temperature. Frost-resistant, doesn’t fade on sunlight.
Area of application:
Application technique:
2. Second decorative layer of Imperium is applied.
To be applied with an aerograph depending on intended result and future exploitation of the surface.
It’s recommended to slightly even out the decorative layer with the trowel with multidirectional movements. Allow 24 hours for the surface to be ready for use.
Do not use at temperatures below 5 C.
Safety measures:
Keep in places unreachable to children.
Do not flush to sewerage, natural water reservoir or soil.
Use only in ventilated premises.
Contact physician immediately if swallowed.
Warranty and storage conditions:
Application temperature: from +5°C to +35°C
Best before: 24 months in original sealed package. Can take up to 6 short-terms freezing cycles (up to -30°C)
Technical characteristics:
Curving elasticity of finish layer (DIN EN 1519),м mm: 2
Glitter-angle 85° of finish layer (DIN EN 2813),%: 6
Level of gloss of finish layer (DIN EN 13300): G3 (matt)
Drying time on touch (DIN 53150), hours: 10.0
Complete drying time before exploitation, days: 7.0
Density (DIN EN 2811-1, grams / square cm): 1,75 ± 0,05
Viscosity (DIN EN 2884-2), mPa * sec: 235000-418000
Percentage of volatile components (DIN EN 3251),%: 80±0,5
Grain size (DIN EN 13300), mkm: 350
Complete drying time, hours: 24
Consumption amount at recommended layer thickness, grams / square meter: 600-1000
Recommended layer thickness, mm: 1,2 — 1,8
Recommended number of layers: 1